Today marks my hundredth post! I cannot believe it. I am someone who really doesn’t like routines, so for me to write on here for 100 consecutive days is crazy. When I started this I definitely began having some doubt in myself. Doubt that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with it, but with God’s provision all is possible.

This means a lot to me. It’s much more than proving to myself that I can do something consecutively, rather proving to myself that I can see God every day of my life if I look for Him.

It’s crazy to see where this blog has come. But today God has helped me take a step back and remember why I even began this. I started this because of one simple rvelation and challenge that God gave me. Which was to look and find Him in my daily life. I started this blog to keep myself accountable and journal my steps in taking on this challenge.

I’m not saying this just to sound humble but I really didn’t think people were going to read it. To be honest it wasn’t really my intentions. But God used this just as another opportunity and mechanism for me to share about Him.

I was shocked when I started receiving messages from people all over that I haven’t talked to in years, saying how encouraging these posts were to them. To have over a thousand people take time out of their day to read what I had to say. Even having someone start their own blog by being inspired by mine. Having people from all over the world that I don’t even know read the posts and comment saying how they have been touched. I did not expect any of this to happen in my wildest dreams. But all this proves it was through the works of God and not myself.

I would be lying if I said there weren’t any days that were just hard to keep up. But I believe I was able and still able to continue doing this through the encouragement of God and my brothers and sisters in Christ. I just want to say thank you to everyone who has encouraged me to keep on going and searching for God every single day.

Ultimately I have gained a more intimate relationship with God through this experience. My life has truly changed ever since I challenged myself to open my eyes to see God. I have learned so much about myself but even more about my Father.

He has revealed to me that He is truly alive. That He is always there in every moment. And how important it is to take a step back no matter how busy I may be to have a glimpse of Him.

If anything through this blog I want to continue to encourage others and definitely myself to see God everyday. The fruits that come from that are greater than anything else. To know and understand that God is not distant but right there with us every single day.

Keep looking for God and I garuntee you will find Him.

I saw God today.

Did you?

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